How to Chase Your Passion and Find Happiness Doing What You Love


How to Chase Your Passion and Find Happiness Doing What You Love

By admin

December 20, 2021

How to Chase Your Passion and Find Happiness Doing What You Love

When I was in university, I majored in Psychology and Human Developments. I enjoyed learning about the different periods of art and how they changed over time. I also enjoyed the classes that had the least amount of work. It wasn’t until after I graduated that I realized that my degree did not provide me with any skills that were useful in the workforce.

I knew if it took me 10 years to get an entry-level job, it would be too late to go back to school for something more practical like computer science or engineering. So, instead of doing what made me happy (which was art history), I did what paid well (which was marketing).

The key to chasing your passion is knowing when you need to let go of your dream and focus on something more practical.

One of the best ways to find success is by doing what you love. The key to this is figuring out what you enjoy and then chasing it. You can use your passions to better your life, make money, and grow in happiness.

There are two steps to finding your passion: identify what you want to be doing and eliminate what you don’t want to do. If a given task doesn’t light a fire in your soul, it’s time to move on. It might take some time before you figure out the perfect thing for you, but once you do it will all be worth it in the end.

Start with a vision- what is your ultimate goal?

Start with a vision- What is your ultimate goal_

It does not matter if you are aiming to build a start-up, write an article or launch a business, the idea is the thing that will take you there. If you are clear on what your ultimate goal is, then it will be easier for you to decide on which plan of action to take.

The next step is to outline your vision in notes and create a rough plan. This rough plan should include deadlines for when certain tasks should be completed and how much time each task would require. It must also include potential obstacles that could come up along the way and how these can be prevented. And finally, it should incorporate both short-term and long-term goals so that there is no doubt about where things are heading in the future.

keywords: passions, how to find your passion, chase your dreams

What is your passion?

Are you passionate about children’s rights?

Do you love writing and want to make a living out of it?

Or maybe you enjoy music and want to become a musician.

If the answer is “yes” to any of these questions, then this section is for you.

To start pursuing your passion, you need to stop thinking about what others are doing or have done. You have to stop comparing yourself with others because being different will help you grow into something that nobody else can be. Chase your dreams and watch them come true!

Find something you enjoy and get the skill-sets for it

Find something you enjoy and get the skill-sets for it.

keywords: skill-set, jobs, how to find a job

If you are interested in something, find the skillsets for that field. Research what the required skill sets are to get a job in that field. Once you have acquired those skillsets, look for jobs where you can use them.

It is not enough to simply have an interest in something. You need to be interested enough to take the time and effort necessary to acquire the necessary skill sets for it. There may be times when it is not possible or feasible to acquire certain skill sets and this should be taken into consideration before taking the plunge into a new career path or major.

If you need a job, it can be tough to find one. You have to make sure that you have the required skill-sets for the job and this is where a resumé comes in handy. A resumé shows potential employers what skill set you have and what work experience you have.

This section will advise on how to write a good resume and what skill-sets should be included as well as how to go about finding a job.

Create a plan and take the steps

Create a plan and take the steps.

keywords: career goals, life goals, chase the plan of your dreams

When you’re in the early stages of your career, it can be difficult to know what you want out of your life. Specifically, what do you want out of your career?

Knowing these steps will help give you a plan and take the steps to get there.

– Find out what your strengths are by asking yourself questions about your past, present, or future self.

– Figure out what type of work environment is best for you by thinking about the types of tasks that excite or drain you.

– Build a list of skills that will lead to success in each environment and how they might be acquired on the job or in school.

– Figure out where you would most likely find work based on the skill-set required for different jobs in different environments.

#1 Start with small steps

#2 Set goals for yourself

#3 Think about what you are passionate about

#4 Figure out what skills you have and which ones you need to learn

Planning your career is not easy. You need to be aware of your strengths, weaknesses, and passions before you start making plans. This way, you will have a better idea of what steps to take to be successful.

What we can learn from chasing our passions

What we can learn from chasing our passions_

What we can learn from chasing our passions:

We should follow our passion because it is the only way to go.


If we want to be successful in life, we need to do what makes us happy and what we are good at. If we want to pursue our passions, it is important for us not to get discouraged by other people’s words and the fear of failure.